York Health and Care Partnership


Monday 16th October 2023, 12:30 - 15:00

Severus Meeting Room; First Floor, West Offices

Chair: Ian Floyd



Ian Floyd (Chair)

Chief Operating Officer

City of York Council (CYC)

Sarah Coltman- Lovell

York Place Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Rebecca Field

Joint Chair of York Health and Care Collaborative

York Medical Group

Michelle Carrington

Director of Nursing and Quality North Yorkshire and York

York Place, H&NY ICB

Cllr Jo Coles

Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care


Peter Roderick


Acting Director of Public Health/ Deputy Director of Population Health

CYC/York Place, H&NY ICB

Sian Balsom


Healthwatch, York

Zoe Campbell

Managing Director, NYY&S


Cllr Claire Douglas

Leader of the Labour Group


Professor Karen Bryan


Vice Chancellor

York St John University

(representing higher education)

Alison Semmence

Chief Executive

York Centre for Voluntary Services (CVS)

Prof Mike Holmes



In Attendance

Hannah Taylor

Team Administrator

York Place, H&NY ICB


Phil Truby

Public Health Specialist



Stephanie Porter

HNY ICB AD Estates, Infrastructure and Sustainability



Neil Ferris

Corporate Director of Place



Karen Monroe

Unpaid Carer



Sharron Smith

Chief Executive Officer

York Carers Centre


Danielle Johnson

Director of Childrens Safeguarding



Caroline Johnson

Deputy Director of Nursing and Quality York

York Place, H&NY ICB



Gail Brown


York Schools & Academies Board

Jamaila Hussain

Corporate Director of Adult Service and Integration


Melanie Liley

Chief Allied Health Professional


Helena Ebbs

Place Clinical Director

York Place, H&NY ICB

Sharon Stoltz

Director of Public Health


Emma Johnson

Chief Executive

St. Leonards Hospice

Simon Morritt

Chief Executive



Minutes – draft

The agenda was discussed in the following order




Led by


Welcome and apologies for absence


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held on 21.09.2023 were approved.


There were no declarations of interest in the business of the meeting.






Estates Update


Stephanie Porter started by informing that phase 1 of a task and finish group to update and develop the detailed impact and mitigations for the residential housing development, set up to discuss estates with partners had now concluded. The proposals have been shared at the forth and final meeting of the group, and in separate presentations with the commercial leads of Nimbuscare and with York and Scarborough Foundation Trust.  The proposals are currently with the York PCN to review once more and for sign off. Continuing through her presentation Stephanie shared information on the Acomb and Burnholme areas as examples of all the localities impacted informing that for each area of York there are 2 slides with information on the health needs and the costed proposals to mitigate the impact on General practice and community services the area. Current  areas of deprivation, the LDP housing growth scheme, the proposals also highlight potential areas of consolidation of existing property. Ending Stephanie asked that the local development plan is fully understood and resourced appropriately to achieve success.


Discussion took place on:

·         Access issues if current buildings are released

·         York's growth compared to other areas in the ICB

·         Funding

·         Future proofing as much as possible based on data predictions

·         Inequalities

·         Duty to include the public in discussions

·         Moving services out of hospitals into primary care so they are more accessible

·         Need for a space to develop medical trainee's



Partners to contact Stephanie Porter if they would like more information on the task and finish group discussions

Stephanie Porter to create a strategic statement of intent including discussions at the meeting and meet with Sarah Coltman-Lovell, Ian Floyd and Neil Ferris in 3-4 weeks.


Stephanie Porter/Neil Ferris


Place Responsibility Agreement


Starting Sarah Coltman-Lovell gave context to why the item came to the committee and referenced the papers in the Agenda Pack.


Sarah explained that the Responsibility Agreement defines the ICBs relationship with each Place and Collaborative.


Sarah made reference to the Assurance Report and explained how the colour coded sections align to the three areas of responsibility set out in the Responsibility Agreement

       Place priorities for integration and transformation (orange)

       Performance and delivery of NHS objectives (green)

       Finances – quality, efficiency and productivity plans (blue)


Sarah noted that accountability is a key theme and made the distinction between hard accountability internally through organisations - and soft accountability through the partnership committee, giving members permission to hold each other to account. Very much in line with the Place Board Charter of Behaviours.


Sarah informed that she would like the committee to support her in telling the story of Place to the ICB via the Assurance Report, including good news stories.


Sarah directed people to Natalie Caphane and Anna Basilico with any additional sections they wish to add that reflect our broader health and care remit, noting that the current version reflects what the ICB expects and we have the freedom to expand on this.


Discussion ensued on:

·         Areas missing from the report and not always information on what can be done

·         Title appearing top down

·         Could have been developed in partnership with Place Committees

·         Acceptance of the report but the need of clarity moving forward and areas incorporated that are missing



Assurance Report to come to the committee bi-monthly

Sarah to feedback the information shared on bed capacity at Foss Park Hospital with the ICB

Sarah to draft a response and circulate


Sarah Coltman-Lovell




Integrated Prevention Offer


Peter started by informing that an integrated prevention offer relates to one of the place priorities. Phil shared there is a strong evidence base for prevention services and raised the question whether the aim is to improve health or reduce costs. Phil detailed a one system approach to prevention ensuring all parts are working together.


Phil asked the committee to

Approve the commencement of co-production workshops that establish the actions for excellence in our prevention system

Consider if the aims of this exercise cover everything the Partnership would want to include?

What other outcomes would YHCP members wish to get out of this exercise? To what extent should we consider how enhancements of the prevention system in our city could deliver financial savings?  


Discussion ensued on:

·         Definition of prevention and what is included and not included

·         Linking in housing

·         May not be cost saving but is better for quality of life

·         Measuring the impact of spend on non statutory services

·         Areas missing including, education, carers, environment

·         Could be bolder in the aims of the exercise; for example, test a joint funding approach, include the role of population health intelligence to support planning and implementation of prevention services


Ian concluded by asking to map a citizen story and to start with a broader scope and then to narrow it down to individual services noting if done correctly it will save the Local Authority money.


The Board approved the scoping exercise including the co-production workshops Phil described.



Sarah Coltman-Lovell to put the team in touch with the University of York to assist with measure definition

Anna Basilico and Phil Truby to commence the scoping exercise



Phil Truby


Citizen Story – Unpaid Carers York Carers Centre


Sharron started by sharing the following statistics on unpaid carers:

·         Unpaid carers contribute £162bn per yr to society, equivalent to a second NHS. (England and Wales)

·         2021 Census highlighted around 9% of population are carers (likely to be more than this). York: 14,868. 6,248 people were providing more than 20 hours of unpaid care a week, including 3,803 people doing so for more than 50 hours a week

·         Nearly 1/3 of NHS staff are carers (31%)1 in 7 people in the workplace are juggling work and care

·         JRF listed carers as one of the groups more likely to be in very deep poverty

·         60% of carers report a long-term health condition or disability compared to 50% non-carers

·         Young carers are more likely to report severe psychological distress

·         Research in 2019 highlighted almost half 45% of Young Adult Carers report having a mental health condition (before pandemic) and seeing issues in Young Adult carers who have frailty scores of 65 yr olds

·         There is increasing evidence that caring should be considered a social determinant of health (Public Health England, Caring as a Social Determinant of Health, 2021)

·         NHS England, commissioning for carers states almost £4 saved from every £1 spent.

Karen shared her story as an unpaid carer, what she does as a carer, how York Carers Centre supports her, and an ask for services to work in partnership. 


Finishing Sharron shared information on what York Carers Centre do and some asks for the Board

·         Ensure unpaid carers are included in every strategy and considered in all decisions made

·         Unpaid carers are listened to and respected as equal care partners across all health staff

·         Consider if carer awareness training could be mandatory across all healthcare settings

·         The ICB to agree to host a resource pack for Primary Care with NHS England on their website


The Board approved the asks from York Carers Centre



Caroline Johnson and Sharron Smith link up on training

Carers Centre to come back with a plan on how the board can support the asks

Sarah to request the Carers Centre to attend the ICB board



Sharron Smith/Karen Monroe




There were no AOB items.

